Combining geothermal
and lithium extraction
We are building a sustainable US battery supply chain by combining direct lithium extraction with renewable geothermal power in one location
Don A. Campbell Geothermal
Power Plant, 25 MW
Salt Wells Geothermal
Power Plant, 33 MW
Stillwater Hybrid Geothermal
& Solar Power Plant, 61 MW
McGinness Hills Geothermal
Power Plant, 160 MW
McGinness Hills Geothermal
Power Plant, 160 MW
Tungsten Mountain Geothermal
Power Plant, 37 MW
Origin Mineral’s geothermal leases
cover 6,900 acres in Big Smoky Valley
Terra-Gen Dixie Valley Geothermal
Power Plant, 65 MW
Jersey Valley Geothermal
Power Plant, 23.5 MW

Nevada’s geothermal resources are in high demand

state in the nation in generating electricity from geothermal energy plants
0 nd
predicted worth of the geothermal industry in Nevada over the next 30 years
$ B
geothermal energy plants currently in operation in Nevada across 17 locations